First VIP student team outputs


Tom Coleman


January 24, 2025

Materials from our first VIP student teams are available now, with many more guides to follow!


We here at STARMAST have been busy over the past few months. The first team of University of St Andrews students have completed their Vertically Integrated Project module working on the site. Here’s a list of materials that they have produced:

And, of course, most of the VIP team have been writing guides for the website! Coming soon are guides (and questions and answers) on:

  • rationalizing the denominator (written by Max Volmar)
  • introduction to simultaneous equations (written by Ollie Brooke)
  • arithmetic on complex numbers (written by Charlotte McCarthy)
  • PMFs and PDFs (probability mass functions and probability density functions, written by Sophie Chowgule)
  • Hypothesis testing (written by Ellie Trace)

These guides will be released as soon as they are all ready; stay tuned for more updates.

Finally, a huge thank you to the entire student team who produced these materials. You are all always welcome back at STARMAST!

Version history

  • v1.0 initial version written by tdhc 24/01/25.


Your feedback is appreciated and useful. Feel free to leave a comment here.