Semester 2, 2024/25
Hello, and welcome to the VIP on ‘Creating accessible online mathematics and statstics resources’!
My name is Tom and here are my contact details:
My office policy is open-door: if my door is open, please feel free to drop in!
VIP welcome event on Tuesday 17 September (Week 1) from 1100-1300
Online Reflective writing workshop (sign-up link to follow)
VIP conference in Week 9 or 10.
Link to download reflective log template
Link to University Moodle pages
The VIP has £400 budget, and students (that’s you) can apply for more. All ideas for spend should come through me.
This VIP has the following assessment pattern.
You will be assessed on the 20-point scale for each of these components relative to your year.
Your final grade will be the weighted average of all of these components.
The deadline for each fortnightly log is Friday 12 noon in odd numbered weeks. Please email these to me before then.
I will be providing formative feedback for at least two of the five reflective logs, which will consist of comments about your reflective logs.
Each fortnightly log will be rated on the 20-point scale, with an average mark over the five fortnightly logs reported as your final mark for the 20%. Only the final grade (at the end of the semester) is needed to be made public.
VIP event: Online Reflective writing workshop (sign-up link to follow from central VIP team)
The group presentation will consist of at least two printed posters and a 10-minute oral presentation on that poster. It will take place at the VIP conference.
The deadline for submission of the portfolio of works and final reflective report is Friday Week 12, which is the last day of term.
STARMAST (St Andrews Resources in Mathematics and Statistics)
Create content: study guides, questions, answers, proof sheets, fact sheets, general interest articles, interactive web content (flash cards, posters, etc), video and audio guides…
Develop impact: website management, workflow optimization, development and management of accessibility tools, social media strategies, outreach to the public, search engine optimization…
(aka the bit I know how to do)
Quality, not quantity. Materials are going to be publicly available. Only the best goes up.
Follow the style guide to the letter. The website must be written in a consistent style with the guides that are already there.
The amount of work will vary on a sliding scale depending on your credits and year. You will write at least one guide, one question set, one answer set.
Other than that, you can let your mind run free!
(aka the bit I don’t know how to do)
Website management (workflow, hosting, domain name)
Accessibility research and development
Social media management
Analytics data, search engine optimisation
The website is written using Quarto (a markup language using R as a base), with version control using Github. You can use whichever code editor you so desire, but I strongly recommend using RStudio.
Please make sure you download RStudio, R, and set up a github account.
The repository can be found at
Come and see me in room 220 or email me :)